Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Last of the Visitors Leaving Tomorrow

Well we had a grand BBQ here at the house on Saturday. In attendance were the Melhuish's, the Corsi's, Ray's brother Cullen and his wife DeAnne, and my sister, Linda. We had a great meal and a fabulous gathering. It was so nice having friends around us again.

Ray did a fabulous job on grilling the meat. Consuelo brought great appetizers. We had baked potatoes, spring salad with balsamic vinaigrette, mixed veggies, and bread pudding for dessert. Everyone enjoyed the food and we enjoyed having everyone here.

We have discovered that we are much more social animals than we ever thought. After living in Vallarta for so long with nothing but socialization, coming here to San Antonio has been a huge adjustment for us. An adjustment that we don't want to make anymore, hence the motorhome! We will create an ever changing new social scene again...can't wait.

We have been actively searching for the right motorhome. It's a perfect time to buy one right now...quite a buyers market. On the other hand, we are being very conservative about spending the money right now. The stock market woes have made us much more discerning about the motorhome amenities. It really is going to have to be the right one for us to get off the $. Today, the market is looking up, hopefully all will stabilize soon. We are just hoping for normalcy.


Suzie said...

I want to be there with you all! A whole house full of people that I love - how wonderful that would be! I hope you talked about us and that everyone wants to come visit!

Our love to everyone!

Jim and Heather on Meerkat said...

Uh - how about some pics of these people? We haven't seen Mac & Consuelo in 8 or 9 years...

Suzie said...

Yes, Heather - pictures would certainly be nice - LUCY!!!

Ray and Lucy said...

Okay okay, I'll take some pics of Mac and Consuelo this coming week. They are moving to the new house tomorrow. It's a pretty exciting time for them. We are loving having them so close. I'm sure we will see them before the end of the week. We'll let them get a bit settled before we decend upon them!